30 Weird (But True!) UX Design Tips

Cover - 30 Weird (But True!) UX Design Tips

Looking for some out-of-the-box UX design tips? This list is just what you need!

UX and UI are intrinsically linked, with one influencing the other, and vice versa. This means that the tips listed here are perfect if you want to perfect your user experience or user interface design, or indeed both.

These tips have been curated to help you look at UX design from a different perspective, hopefully providing you with new ways to think and work when creating user experience layouts, designs, and flows.

Let’s get into them!


The Weird UX Design Tips

  1. Start by designing for your grandparents. If they can navigate your design with ease, everyone else will too.

  2. Use an odd number of elements in your designs. Odd numbers are more visually appealing than even numbers.

  3. Experiment with colours that are outside of your comfort zone. You might be surprised at how well they work together.

  4. Use images of animals in your designs. They can add a playful and whimsical touch to your UI.

  5. Avoid using too many colours. Stick to a colour palette of 3–4 colours.

  6. Use circles instead of squares. Circles are softer and more inviting to the eye.

  7. Use a variety of font weights to create hierarchy in your designs.

  8. Don’t be afraid to break the grid. It can add a dynamic and unexpected element to your UI.

  9. Use negative space to create breathing room in your designs.

  10. Consider using a monochromatic colour scheme. It can add a sleek and sophisticated look to your UI.

  11. Use icons instead of text wherever possible. They are quicker to read and easier to understand.

  12. Use animation sparingly. It can be distracting if overused.

  13. Use patterns in your designs. They can add a sense of depth and texture.

  14. Use emojis in your designs. They can add a playful touch to your UI.

  15. Use contrasting colours to create visual interest.

  16. Use gradients to add depth and dimension to your designs.

  17. Don’t be afraid to use bold quirkily and unconventional typography to create emphasis in your designs.

  18. Use diagonal lines instead of straight lines. They can add a sense of movement and dynamism.

  19. Use hand-drawn illustrations instead of photographs. They can add a unique and whimsical touch to your UI.

  20. Use varying shadows and highlights to create a sense of depth in your designs.

  21. Use organic shapes instead of geometric shapes. They can add a more natural and inviting look to your UI.

  22. Use asymmetry to create a dynamic and interesting layout.

  23. Use texture to create a sense of depth and dimension in your designs.

  24. Use subtle animation to draw attention to important elements in your UI.

  25. Use contrasting font sizes to create a hierarchy in your designs.

  26. Use white space strategically to create a sense of balance and harmony.

  27. Use unexpected colour combinations to create a unique and memorable look for your UI.

  28. Use custom cursors to add personality to your UI.

  29. Use layers to create depth and visual interest in your designs.

  30. Use humour in your UI. It can create a memorable and enjoyable user experience.


And that’s it!

Some of these tips may be a bit weird, but they’re most definitely true!

Designing for your grandparents will ensure you’re building simple, and easy-to-understand UX flows. The same goes for using a simplistic colour palette and limiting animations.

By keeping these tips in mind when working on your UI and UX designs, you’re sure to create stunning interface designs that are both aesthetically pleasing AND functional!

PS: This list is great for helping you improve your design skills, which is something all designers NEED to do with their downtime.

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