How to Show Value as a Graphic Designer


The graphic design industry is a dynamic and competitive field where showcasing your skills and demonstrating your value is essential for success.

As new graphic designers, it can be extremely hard to break into the industry and start picking up clients. In this article, you’ll learn valuable insights on how to show your worth as a graphic designer.

Whether you're a novice looking to break into the industry or an established professional seeking to enhance your reputation, these strategies will help you stand out and thrive.

Develop a Strong Portfolio

Your portfolio is your calling card in the graphic design industry. It's where potential clients and employers will evaluate your skills and expertise.

Ensure your portfolio reflects a diverse range of projects that highlight your versatility, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. Regularly update it with your latest work to showcase your growth as a designer.

Be sure to include plenty of case studies that explain your process, and how you helped a client develop a solution perfect for their business. Use this guide to learn how to write high-quality case studies for your projects.

Showcase Your Unique Style

Developing a unique design style can set you apart from the competition. Experiment with various techniques, colour palettes, and design elements to create a signature look that clients recognize and associate with your work. A distinctive style can be a powerful selling point.

Keep in mind that it’s perfectly fine to be an all-rounder without a specific style. So, if you can’t find your unique style right away, don’t stress! As you work on more and more projects, you’ll gradually build up a style, and an understanding of where your strengths lie.

Stay Current with Industry Trends

If Instagram is anything to go by, the world of graphic design is constantly evolving. You can see one style of design become popular and disappear in the space of a month. It’s because of this that you need to stay on top of the latest design trends, software updates, and emerging technologies.

Clients value designers who can offer fresh and innovative solutions. Regularly checking graphic design blogs – especially ones that curate projects and inspiration – is an excellent way of ensuring you’re on top of everything.

Master Design Software

Proficiency in design software is non-negotiable for a graphic designer. Whether you work with Adobe Creative Suite, Sketch, or other tools, mastering these applications will improve your efficiency and effectiveness. Consider earning relevant certifications to validate your skills.

You don’t need to have certifications for design tools – in fact, many successful designers I know don’t – but if you’re struggling to pick up design jobs (especially if you’re applying for agency or in-house roles) having certifications on your CV can be very valuable.

Here are some to consider:

Develop Strong Communication Skills

Effective communication is crucial in any profession, but it's especially important for graphic designers. You must be able to understand client requirements, provide clear explanations of your design choices, and collaborate effectively with team members. Good communication builds trust and enhances your value as a designer.

When you work with a client, they want to know that you have everything in control, and that you’ve got plenty of experience in working with other clients. Having good communication right from the beginning of your partnership is an excellent way of putting their mind at ease, and reassuring them they’ve picked the right person to work with.

The discovery phase is another great way to highlight your communication skills. And here are the essential questions you need to ask new clients.

Be a Problem Solver

Clients hire graphic designers to solve visual problems. Approach every project with a problem-solving mindset. Understand the client's goals and audience, and tailor your designs to meet those needs. Show how your solutions effectively address the challenges presented to you.

If you think there’s a solution to a problem they're having that isn’t factored into your contract, don’t be afraid to bring it up! If you can explain why having a new Twitter banner will bring them value, the client will be happy to pay for extra services.

Make sure to only do this when you know that the extra service will provide value, though. Nobody likes to be upsold without receiving any additional value.

Seek Feedback and Continuous Improvement

Don't be afraid to seek feedback on your work. Constructive criticism helps you grow and refine your skills. Use feedback as a tool for continuous improvement and highlight your willingness to learn and adapt.

When you finish a project with a client, it’s a good idea to send them a little questionnaire. This is to find out what they think about your service: what you do well, and what you could improve on. This information will be invaluable when it comes to improving your working relationship with future clients.


Showing your value as a graphic designer is a continuous process of growth, adaptation, and self-promotion. By building a strong portfolio, developing a unique style, staying on top of trends, and more you can establish yourself as a valuable asset for your clients.

Ultimately, when a client works with you, they want you to bring something to the table that they currently don’t have access to. For us designers, it’s the knowledge and technical skill to create a perfect solution for their business. So, anything that you can do to prove that you’re worth your fee, the better.

Remember that your journey as a graphic designer is a dynamic one, and your commitment to excellence will be your greatest asset in proving your worth to clients and employers alike!

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