Everything You Need to Know About Logos

Everything You Need to Know About Logos.jpg

A logo is more than just a cool icon or piece of type.

A logo is the cornerstone of your branding (but it’s not all of it!) and as such, should be a representation of your business, its values and its goals.

Whilst this blog post isn’t the be-all-end-all of logo design, it will give you an overview of things you should be keeping in mind when it comes to creating a logo for your business.

Think BIG from the very beginning…

Whether someone will have a positive or negative view of your business can often come down to the logo design. From a quick glance at your logo, a person (and potential customer) will make a judgement about your business as a whole.

You NEED to have a snappy, iconic, and memorable logo that your audience can connect with, in an instant.

Typography is everything…

Not all logos need to have text, but the ones that do feature typographic elements don’t have cheap looking or childish fonts. Have you ever seen a professional logo making use of Comic Sans?

Take careful consideration when it comes to selecting fonts for your logo, as each one sends a different mood, tone and emotion to your audience.

Consider your colours…

Colour is SO IMPORTANT when it comes to how your audience will perceive your business. As is the case with fonts and typefaces, colours also radiate different tones and emotions.

Make sure you’re selecting a colour palette that works for your business, and accurately reflects what it is you want to say.

Here are three tools to help you make stunning colour schemes.

Simplicity is key…

If you look at all the most well-known logos out there, I’m thinking Apple, Google, MasterCard, and many others, they all have one thing in common… They’re all very simple in design.

Whilst the thought that went into the design may have been anything but simple, the overall effect is that each logo is memorable, not overly complicated, and easy to understand.

Pro Tip: Once you’ve got a draft of your logo, print it out in a number of sizes, all the way down to the size of a 5p coin. If you’re noticing that it doesn’t look good when printed small, it’s time to go back and simplify the design!

Drop the effects…

It’s easy to add tons and tons of effects onto your logo design. I’m talking drop shadows, outlines, bezels, and everything else, but as we’ve mentioned, the key to a great logo is simplicity.

When it comes to logo design, less really is more. Don’t overload your logo design with a litany of effects. These will not only make your logo overpowering and unappealing, but it will also make it difficult to use.


Final words…

Logo design isn’t easy, despite what you might think. One might look at Apple’s logo and think that’s just an apple, how hard can it be? But trust me when I say that that, and any other well-known logos you see every day, have gone through many, many, iterations and redesigns to get the perfect final product.

So, if you need a hand with creating a logo for your business, I’m here to help! Please get in touch below, or by emailing samueljstroud@gmail.com, to discuss taking your brand to the next level!


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