5 Simple Ways to Use Humour in Marketing

5 Simple Ways to Use Humour in Marketing

Have you been thinking about using humour in marketing? If so, you’re not alone!

Brands all over the Internet have been making the transition into a more light-hearted, humorous approach to their marketing – and that’s for good reason.

In 2023, brands have to do more than simply shout from the rooftops about how good their products are. Now, brands must position themselves as a source of entertainment, and there’s no better way to do this than making people laugh.

Not convinced? Let me just point you in the direction of Duolingo and Ryanair, two brands that have seen monumental traction on social media as a result of introducing comedy into their marketing.

The results of using humour in marketing are undeniable – but not everyone has the time to create TikTok videos every single day. That’s why…

In this article, you’ll learn 5 simple jokes you can use in your marketing right now, along with some best practices to make sure you’re being the right type of funny on social media!

Why is Using Humour in Marketing so Effective?

Like anything in marketing, psychology plays a huge role. Us humans tend to be endeared to people or things that make us laugh.

Below, you’ll see 3 specific reasons why using humour in marketing will help entice people to trust, like, and interact with your brand on social media.

Humour Makes you “One of Us”

Bringing people together is key to marketing, and good marketing builds a connection between you and your audience. Do you know one of the most effective tools to bring people? Humour.

Every joke ever written is based upon a hidden truth that we can all relate to. The very nature of hidden truths means that it would be literally impossible to write jokes that resonate with an audience without understanding them.

When you find a joke funny, you build a connection with the person who wrote, said, or in our case, posted it.

Comedy Sells Without Trying

Whilst you may buy the essentials from faceless brands, nobody is  passionate about a brand without personality. Nobody will interact with a brand that comes off as bland and faceless.

Tailored comedy in your content builds a connection with your audience, and ensures that your brand stays front of mind – so when the time comes for them to think about making a purchase, they can only think about one brand – yours!

Humour Can Turn Followers Into Ambassadors

You can spend thousands on marketing your brand, but we all know that nothing beats a recommendation from a friend. A lot of brands think the only way to get word of mouth advertising is to hire an influencer to spread the word. But that’s not the case!

People like to make others laugh. It’s the reason we send friends funny cat videos, and why your aunt shares those Minion pictures.

By crafting digital content that makes people laugh, you can transform someone who’s just trying to make their friends laugh into an ambassador for your brand.

The Dos and Don’ts of Using Humour in Marketing

You should keep in mind that using humour in marketing doesn’t come without its risks. Because of this, there are some essential Dos and Don’ts that you should keep in mind when writing your killer jokes for social media.

Do… Respect Your Customers

Your customers aren’t stupid – so any jokes you make on social media you should also be comfortable saying to any of your customers faces.

Do… Know Your Audience

You know your audience better than anyone else, which means that you also know what they’ll find funny. Always strive to create jokes that will resonate with your audience.

Don’t… Go Too Hard on Competitors

Social media in 2023 is all about collaboration, and some of that collaboration involves slyly poking fun at the competition. Poke fun, but don’t be too aggressive. We all know what happens when banter gets out of hand.

Don’t… Use (too) Dark Humour

Dark humour can work well, but only in the right circumstances. A good rule of thumb, especially in marketing, is to avoid any jokes that centre around death, mental illness, murder, you get the idea. Stick to jokes surrounding your brand and industry.

5 Simple Templates to Use Humour in Your Marketing

People love to laugh, posting comedic content to social media can be an excellent way of endearing your target audience to your brand. Below, you’ll find 5 simple and easy to use joke templates to help you inject some light-hearted humour into your marketing.

By the way, humour is just one piece of the puzzle. If you’re looking to grow on Instagram, here are 5 more ways to create content for Instagram growth.

The Comedy Clarification

This is a great way of showing something positive about your business, whilst also joking at the same time. The best way to use this is to show bold text that brags about a great product or service, and then adding an addendum which includes the punchline.

The Relatable Statement

These aren’t necessarily jokes. There’s no real set up or punchline. But they are funny! By posting a simple observation with a funny twist, you can show that you relate to your audience and their lives.

The Alarming Anecdote

Stories are great, they pull people into our world. And stories that contain some form of shock or danger are more memorable. So if you can provide a little shock – whilst still being entertaining – then you’re onto a winner. This has the danger of falling into the realms of dark humour again, so be careful.

Additionally, if you’re looking for ways to grow your Twitter, this format is a great way of promoting your account on other platforms.

The Bar Chart

Things like this take time to read and comprehend, so if you can reward your audience with a laugh, they’ll soon begin to associate your brand as something that’s worth their time.

The Opinion Flip

Start with a generic, all-purpose statement that most of the population can relate to, and then throw in another, more chaotic statement. The beauty of this is that it both acts as a joke, but also a pseudo-confession for those who share it. Ideally this should also be relatable in some way.


And that’s it! You you know how to use 5 simple templates to add some comedy to your social channels and get your followers sharing your content far and wide!

As you use humour in marketing more and more, you’ll gradually build up your comedy skills to the point where you can make killer jokes on social media off the cuff. But remember, it’s a learning process!

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